Mommy's Hangout/Atlanta Mommy Blogger/Jen Williams

What Weight Loss Program is Right for me… don’t mean its right for you

It’s a fact half of American adults are overweight or obese today. With that, over one in three Americans are trying to lose weight, myself included. I know you have seen all the weight loss programs and products in the market today which comes overwhelming and stressful trying to find that “Perfect Program” Sometimes you don’t even know where to start.

I have recently gone back on my program. I will admit most people would disagree with my approach which I will share with you later, but it works for ME! I need something that works for me, myself, AND  I’m the type of person that needs to see quick Results to keep me motivated and Jumpstart my weight loss. I have tried many programs and what works for some might not work for others! Don’t be discouraged and give up. Keep trying till you find your plan and if you need to tweek it to work for YOU then do it!

Here are some tips before you choose which weight loss program is right for you.

MOST IMPORTANT- Before beginning ANY weight loss program, make sure to seek your health care provider for advice and get any needed test done. You could even ask your DR. what weight loss options are best for you. Most likely they are going to say the basic cut calories and regular exercise which is what it boils down too, but if you’re like me you need details and that’s how weight loss programs can help giving you step by step on what to do and eat.

Take small Steps and Plan it out! Don’t decide that you are going on a diet today and start tomorrow. This is not a diet this is a lifestyle change. I believe the reason a lot of us fail is we jump into it too fast and not in the right mind state.

Research weight loss programs Do your homework! Read reviews ASK QUESTIONS and then decide which one you feel that would work for you not only by losing weight but is it something you see yourself sticking with it. Some methods of losing weight involve more risk than others and can even be dangerous. It’s important to make sure that you do your own research to find any negative facts about the program or product.

GET A SUPPORT SYSTEM! This is one of the biggest downfalls with stay @ home mom dieters we go about it alone! There are so many online supports groups and challenges you can take part in. Make it fun! I admit I love the challenges it pushes me to do more each day because I don’t want to be the slacker lol.

Exercise daily- I know I hate it just as much as you but it’s gotta be done! If you’re just getting started take it slow and build yourself up and make if fun!

WATER WATER AND MORE WATER! I will admit I HATE WATER! This has always been my issue. I have never been a big eater so my weight gain never comes from food. It’s from all those EMPTY calories from all those soft drinks.  I am Happy to say that I have given up my Mt. Dew!  I will admit it was hard as hell and talk about a HEADACHE; I thought I was going to die!  I can’t even start to tell you how much better I feel now since giving them up! I love water now! What makes it easy for me to get all my water down was to get the water bottle with the straw. If I am in the mood for something sweeter I love crystal light packets. I’ve even been looking into supplements that can be mixed with water for a tasty drink that’s also good for me, and checking out things like these Gundry MD MCT Wellness reviews to help me figure out which ones might be good so, you never know, these could become part of my weight loss journey.

Make sure you eat breakfast every day this kicks start your metabolism. ANOTHER ONE THAT I HATED! The Thought of food when I get up makes me sick… However I have found the perfect solution for ME and now getting my breakfast every morning @ 8 AM!

Whatever you plan and goals are I wish you much luck! If you ever need someone to chat with I am always here. Losing weight is not easy but with hard work and effort it can be done.

NOW I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU? What plan and tips do you have? Are you on a program tell me how is working!  The next few months my main focus will be weight loss so please check back! My next post will be what program I am on…BUT REMEMBER WHAT WORKS FOR ME OR SOMEONE ELSE MIGHT NOT BE FOR YOU!!

Much Love,


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