Mommy's Hangout/Atlanta Mommy Blogger/Jen Williams

5 Things You and Your Spouse Should Be Doing for a Happy Marriage


I think everyone’s dream is to have a long lasting, healthy marriage and to have a great family! Sometimes, marriages can lose the heat and you can drift away from one another. This isn’t anyone’s fault and it doesn’t mean you don’t love each other anymore, sometimes life just simply takes over and you lose time for one another! There are so many simple things that you can do to keep the magic between the two of you going and to keep the romance alive! Here are five really simple things that you and your spouse can be doing to keep yourselves in a happy marriage.

1. Date Night: Date night is extremely important! It is a great way to spend some alone time together without the company of your kiddos! This gives you a really great way to reconnect with one another, which is sometimes needed in a marriage whether you have kids or not. Life can take over and you would be surprised how much you miss within the life of your spouse! Use a date night whether it be once a week, or even just once a month if you can’t do it that often! You will be so grateful for these nights, I promise!

2. Compliment One Another: Complimenting one another is so important! It does not need to be anything over the top, just simply say “you look nice today” or “that shirt looks great on you” This will make your spouse feel good about themselves and give them the confidence they need to have self confidence. Not to mention if they know that you think they are looking good, they will have the motivation to keep looking their best!

3. Say Good Morning: It is said that simply saying “Good Morning” to your spouse every morning makes for a happier day and it is a great start to the day. Communicating with one another when you first wake up is a really great thing because it gets the day going on a positive note.

4. Be Detail Oriented: This is so important.Being detail oriented is another great way to keep the confidence of your spouse up! Noticing the little things such as when they get a haircut, or maybe they purchase a new clothing item that looks great on them! You could point out not only that they bought a new outfit, but also acknowledge the fact that it looks great on them, that’s a really great way to get extra brownie points!

5. Say “I Love You”: The most important tip I have for you is to simply tell each other you love each other. I highly highly recommend doing this multiple times a day. I personally think that you should tell each other you love each other every single time that you leave one another because you never know what will happen out in the world. You always want to make sure that they know that you love them in case anything were to happen.

These are some very simple everyday things that you can do to just keep your marriage alive and remind one another of how much you love each other every day!

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