Mommy's Hangout/Atlanta Mommy Blogger/Jen Williams

Tips for Better Communication in Your Marriage


Who doesn’t want better communication with their spouse? Great communication just means a better marriage and a better day to day! If you are struggling with communicating with your spouse, you will want to check out these tips, so you can strengthen your marriage like never before.

6 Tips for Better Communication in Your Marriage

Spend Time Together

It’s hard to communicate whenever you are not spending time together. Raising a family is hard work, but it is still vital to find time to spend together. Spending time together doesn’t need to involve anything fancy, you can sit across from each other at the kitchen table and talk. It’s not about what you are doing, but who you are spending time with that matters.

Text Each Other

If you both have cell phones, there is no reason you cannot send texts back and forth to each other. You will want to make it a rule that there are no “bad” texts though, only encouraging ones. Texts are one of those things that can get taken out of context. So, only text your spouse if you can say nice things.

Stay Positive

Communication doesn’t work if you are negative all of the time. Whenever you’re communicating in your marriage, you’ll want it to be positive. Don’t just spend the time you have together being negative. If you do catch your spouse being negative whenever you’re communicating, just smile and try to get them to change the topic. Keep in mind that there is a time and a place for complaining to your spouse, you just don’t want to do it all of the time.

Hug it Out

If you find that you and your spouse are not communicating on a verbal level, at least spend some time hugging. Hugs can make you both feel closer and like you actually want to be around each other. Give it a try, when is the last time you actually hugged your spouse?

Get the Timing Right

If you know your spouse is upset or isn’t in a great mood, don’t push the communication agenda. If there’s anything we have learned in our marriage over the years is that timing is everything. There is always good timing and bad timing. If you’re talking about a strenuous issue in your marriage, always wait for a good time. Just don’t avoid communication all together because that’s when you run into trouble.

Communication Never Ends

Keep in mind that even when you do get on the same page in your marriage, you should never stop being on the same page. You will literally want to make an effort every day to make sure you are communicating in your marriage.

What tips do you have for better communication in your marriage? I’d love to read your tips!

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